
29 October 2012
Struggle – Watch if for Free
Kickstarter (61 minutes, Documentary, Directed by Roger Hill with The Columbus Free Press)

29 October 2012
Interview by Joan Brunwasser
My guest today is Harvey Wasserman, co-author of "Will the GOP Steal America's 2012 Election?" Welcome back to OpEdNews, Harvey. We spoke about your new book at the beginning of September. But election-...
27 October 2012
Second in the series of videos about the 2004 stolen election in Ohio:

26 October 2012
Electronically, this election is over. Mitt Romney has won.
The big loser is not Barack Obama, or the corporate Democratic Party. It is democracy itself.
Unless YOU act now, and are prepared to fight this out for years...
25 October 2012
Amy Searcy, the Hamilton County Board of Elections Supervisor, is currently the chief spin doctor for the Romney campaign, continually discounting his ties to the Hart InterCivic vote counting company. Since the Columbus Free Press began...
24 October 2012
Election officials lie to cover the facts
Since the Columbus Free Press broke the story of Tagg, Mitt, HIG Capital and your e-vote, there has been a bi-partisan effort on the internet to restore faith in the system. There are...


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