
07 November 2006
GOP trashes exit polls & builds barricades as election day proceeds

Watch out for the stop sign when you go to vote today. Not the one on the street, the one in the pollbook next to your name.

The new...
07 November 2006
Here's how the 2006 mid-term election was stolen.

Note the past tense. And I'm not kidding.

And shoot me for saying this, but it won't be stolen by jerking with the touch-screen machines (though they'll do their...
07 November 2006
To the congressional winners of Campaign 2006: as you savor your victory and prepare to take office in January, consider this bit of free advice on how to make those tough decisions you’ll soon face on the war: pick a number. 
05 November 2006
On Election Day 2006, the American people will almost certainly vote to give the Democratic Party one or both houses of Congress.

We will vote to restore at least some of the checks and balances written into the...
02 November 2006
It's never been more true that the one thing we Americans can say with pride about George W. Bush is that we have never elected him president of the United States.

The regime is even more despised than ever, in part because...


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