
28 March 2020

Federal Judge in Southern District of New York Finds Detention Under Unsafe Conditions was Unconstitutional; Holds ICE Accountable for Failure to Consider Release for People Most at Risk.


28 March 2020

Professionals who work on the front lines of protecting the rights of people held in Ohio detention centers, jails, and prisons are calling for swift action to prevent COVID-19 outbreaks.

“U.S. immigration detention facilities...

24 March 2020

In the midst of this terrible Pandemic, three absolutely essential items must be made immediately available to all Americans:  masks, testing and ventilators.

Congress must drop all other business—-including its in-fighting over...

Hand holding a syringe
16 March 2020

The urgent need for a vaccine

Public health experts say that if the COVID-19 epidemic is not successfully contained, it could become a global pandemic, perhaps spreading to 80% of the world's population. With a 1...

21 February 2020

Enhanced Medicare for All — that wild scheme that Michael Bloomberg calls “untried” because it’s only been tested for decades in virtually every wealthy nation on earth — would cost ...


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