
06 February 2016

ernie Sanders has shown in Iowa that he’s a viable candidate … and more. Considering Bernie was down 50 points just a while ago, Iowa has sent a...

23 January 2016

As the 2016 election approaches, we must remember that our electronic voting system as it currently stands is thoroughly rigged.  The entire outcome can be flipped with a few late night keystrokes, as was done in Ohio 2004.    ...
24 November 2015

Official Vote Tally on Ohio’s Pot Issue Deemed "Statistically Impossible"


The “stolen election” controversy over this month’s officially defeated Ohio pot legalization referendum has gone to a new level.


13 November 2015

In the lead-up to the November 3 referendum on pot legalization in Ohio, reputable mainstream polls show it winning.

Then, amidst the usual “glitches” that distinguish the Buckeye State’s electronic elections, it officially...

04 November 2015
Official vote counts in Ohio indicate a major defeat for the nation’s first corporate-sponsored marijuana legalization referendum.   But it’s complicated.     And the ultimate issue is far from settled, as cannabis supporters are looking...


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