
01 September 2014


How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America By Kiese Laymon


Many fine authors hail from the South, that most distinctive region in the...

21 August 2014

Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism & Wrecked the Middle Class By Ian Haney Lopez

31 May 2014



The Kennedy Half Century: The Presidency, Assassination, and Lasting Legacy of John F. Kennedy

07 May 2014
From the wholly updated new edition of The Impossible Will Take a Little While: Perseverance and Hope in Troubled Times, edited by Paul Loeb (Basic Books $18.99  Other...
22 April 2014
The fetid muck never goes away It lingers for generations Once a place of peace and beauty Nothing now survives the pepto-bismol pit Bit by bit, by bit they all succumbed with searing nostrils, burning lungs to satisfy our voracious...
04 April 2014
It’s a common conceit that any new series of superhero movies has to start with the origin. It doesn’t matter if 90% of the world’s population already knows that the death of Batman’s parents drove him to become a ludicrously rich...


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