
03 March 2024

I start with genocide news, go to actions YOU CAN take and then five more
items of relevance (please share and act)

Item 1: (Genocide) Seven Babies died in one of the only remaining hospital
with incubators. They...

01 March 2024

Item 1: Speaking tours in two new continents: Over the past 40 years I
spoke about human rights and justice at 45 countries around the world (8 in
Africa, 13 in Europe, 22 in Asia, 2 in North America). Now my wife and I

24 February 2024

The rich history of genocides does not show us combination like the one we
have today:
1) Overwhelming evidence of intent broadcast and available to everyone on
instant communication devices (phones, tablets, computer)...

19 February 2024

The pathetic State of our World: Greed, Corruption and the Genocide by
Mazin Qumsiyeh
posted at

19 February 2024

Day 130 of the ongoing genocide: Total killed 28340 (+some 7,000 under the
rubble to be added) and injured  67984. 72% are women and children. This
also does not count the thousands dead from lack of food, clean water,


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