
Close up of Jill Stein with famous Moscow building in background
12 December 2016

The American people deserve to know that the outcome of this election is actually valid

I am tired of hearing the pundits say that the election is over and there is nothing we can do when there are significant questions raised by...

Obama with elbows on table clasping his hands together looking pensive
12 December 2016

Parallel narratives of deepening intrigue and outright denial unfolded Friday, as new revelations surfaced about Russian hacking to steer the presidential election while states showed they were afraid to look under hood to see what...

10 December 2016

The Wisconsin recount is headed for disaster, but there’s still a chance to save it. We need a federal lawsuit requiring a hand recount of all...

The word vote in one box and the word delete in a bottom box
10 December 2016
A petition asking the Electoral College not to vote on the next president until a full investigation is done of Russian interference in the 2016 US election can be signed here: ...
Chart showing exit polls are out of the margin of error
07 December 2016

The article is contained in the attached PDF document. 

Recount Now words with black silhouettes of people
30 November 2016

The impatience across much of the media is palpable. 


Oh groan. That’s not going to...


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