
31 March 2019

Disclaimer: I am not a dance critic nor do I play one on TV (I usually appear as a film historian and critic, which is what I am). So minus this training, you can take my two cents worth for what it’s worth. My personal main interest is...

28 March 2019

So, I loves me some Greek mythology. Under the influence of Homer’s Odyssey and Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautika - especially inspired by the 1963 screen version of that third century B.C. epic poem called Jason and the...

21 March 2019

OK, I admit it - I’m a cinematic scaredy-cat. Ever since small kid days, horror movies have frightened the hell out of me. The last one I went to see was a 2018 LA Film Festival screening of Spell, which I saw because it was set...

19 March 2019

Loft Ensemble’s lofty, must-see, powerful production of Blues for Mr. Charlie is the latest in a growing list of a revival of works by author/ playwright/polemicist James Baldwin, one of America’s “poet laureates” opposing racism...

11 March 2019

Barry Jenkins, winner of the Best Director and Best Feature Film Independent Spirit Awards for If Beale Street Could Talk, proclaimed to the media that “the industry is responding” to America’s current conditions. Jenkins urged...

10 March 2019

Led by their fearless leader Lizzie Lightning (Tania Verafield), the Brooklyn Scallywags are rolling back into Los Angeles. But this time the all-female teammates are skating into a much larger arena, presenting Gina Femia’s rough and...


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