
20 October 2020

ne of President Trump's most loyal propagandists is predicting that Trump will claim victory on election night as soon as he is ahead among...

13 October 2020

s Donald Trump descends into COVID/drug-induced madness, there must be ...

14 September 2020
he Armageddon Election of 2020 is officially underway.

Ballots are in the mail. Vote centers are opening. 


06 September 2020


We’re getting killer e-blasts from the Democratic Party with your spot-on warning that Trump could win again. 

Like you, we’re terrified. But it’s NOT inevitable, and now we...

08 August 2020

Please join us Monday, August 10, 5-6:30 pm ET / 2-3:30pm PT

For our next Zoom meeting. 

Please register in advance for this meeting here:  ...

05 August 2020

As election 2020 draws ever closer, the flawed, easily gamed nature of the American quasi-democracy becomes increasingly visible, thanks, of course to Donald Trump, our Fluhrer wannabe, who sees no need to hide his contempt for any...


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